Judicael Vales – Tattoo artist & Jeweler

About the Artist

Judicael Vales is a tattoo artist and creator of sacred skull talismans. Originally from France, he now lives in Nevada city, California with his family. His tattoo experience spans over 18 years, having studied under Andy Smith in Goa, India. Upon completing his apprenticeship, he embarked on a nomadic quest and tattooed throughout France and England; Mexico and North America; Bali, Indonesia, and Nepal. He returned to Europe and worked at Avinit and Evil from the Needle located in London.  Afterward, he returned to Goa and established his own tattoo studio. 

His coveted style of tattoo weaves together four key aspects: sacred geometry, exploration of perfect balance, natural movement, and flow. He focuses on creating a ritualistic and intuitive relationship with each of his clients.

In Mexico, it was the colossal pyramids and intricate cosmology of the Maya that inspirited Judicael to begin handcrafting the first sacred skull pendant in 2007. He continued to refine his technique while traveling abroad. Inspired by ancient cultures of the Egyptians and the Inca Empire. Drawing upon notions of sacred sites, alien-type artifacts, tribal cultures, and shamanic artwork. The steady influence of sacred geometric patterning channels from his innate fascination with primitive civilizations and the visionary ingenuity they gave birth to.

Judicael is deeply committed to reviving the lost art of intricate handcrafting. Through his work; he brings the message to the world: to awaken a remembrance of the ancient connection to our ancestors and the origin of humanity.

Find Wenyi Geng’s art

@ https://instagram.com/wenyigeng/


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Judicael Vales – Tattoo artist &

They can signify the ancient human or extraterrestrial that walked among us in previous times. challenges the classic view of mainstream archeology and history.

Each skull has its own life and meaning and comes through me in a different way in the creative process. They each evoke a different race, inspired by a different culture, such as ancient Egypt, Africa, China, Peru And others are inspired by inner earth or off planet beings.

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lisa bonnet ( the Cosby show ) and “Thotme” sacred skull

“thotme took me  4 years in the making, Bolivian rose wood, gold, diamond, Euclase, fire agate 

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“Thotme was the father of Thoth and the primary interface between the Atlanteans and the Children of Light who dwelt among the Atlanteans.”shop https://www.youtube.com/embed/FkxnhZXhfWc?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1

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the “pleiadian” sacred skull

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the “atlantean” sacred skull

Each skull has its own life and meaning and comes through me in a different way in the creative process. They each evoke a different race, inspired by a different culture, such as ancient Egypt, Africa, China, Peru. And others are inspired by inner earth or off planet beings

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the “atlantean” sacred skull : fossil mammoth ivory, 22k gold, platinum,  diamond, Padauk wood

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the “amarna priestess”

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“the Peruvian” sacred skull

 gaiac wood, 22k gold, fossil mammoth ivory, diamond, chrisocola

When someone where’s the pieces, I hope it inspires them and activates their creativity. that they may become motivated and stimulated to act on it. People can encode the skulls themselves with their own intentions as wear them as talismans of their own activation

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