Rose Drummond – Rose Unfolding – Painter
About the Artist

Rose is an ecofeminist ink and watercolor artist always intrigued with creating new world goddesses woven into the fabric of the ecological landscapes that she inhabits and visits. Creation is her form of meditation and personal healing. She is humbled to have taken this path to create work that is in resonance with the state of the Earth as She is now.
Rose was born in Swinomish and Skagit territory and currently lives in Nooksack territory outside of Bellingham, WA.
You can find Rose at festivals up and down the West Coast. When she’s not on the road, she’s most likely elbow deep in soil, snuggling her pups, or baking extravagant cakes.
Find Rose’s illustrations @ and

When You Take Our Bodies,
Or: Rage
I wish I could break your nose
And watch it bleed upon the ground
To look into your eyes
To see your new understanding
Borne upon the wave of righteous violence
Unable to hear my words
Through centuries.
Maybe you would understand,
If I burned down your house.
No amount of words or
Deep breaths between phrases
Ever reached you
I must speak in a language
That you understand
How many times do I say the same thing
Until curiosity gets the better of me
My animal body, coiled.
My animal instinct, intact.
How can we say what is appropriate?
How can we say what is right?
How many times,
Before fire begets fire
And we all go up in smoke?
Maybe with a bloodied mouth
You would finally hear me:
About the way you took my body
and left me dealing with the aftermath.
May your thin communities
Burn to the ground.
May your broken noses bleed rivers
To carry away the ash.
I will plant something different
In this red soil.
In this world we are re-creating on scorched ground:
We do not wait for ephemeral justice,
We are now consequence embodied.